Fig. S5 pERK levels in nrg2a mutant MFF basal keratinocytes are unchanged.
Confocal images of whole-mount dorsal MFFs from nrg2a+/mn037Gt (A-D, I-K) and nrg2amn037Gt/mn037Gt (E-H, M-P) embryos at 30hpf and 34 hpf do not reveal changes in activated ERK (phosphoERK, pERK) levels in ridge cells. Embryos were immunostained for phosphoErk (A, E, I, M) and basal keratinocytes were immunostained for Nrg2a-mRFP (B, F, J, N). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (C, G, K, O). Merged images are shown in D, H, K, and M. Arrows indicate ridge cells that are positive for pERK both in nrg2a+/mn037Gt and nrg2amn037Gt/mn037Gt embryos.