Fig. 5
Blocking Bmp signaling in kny/gpc4 mutants restores cardiomyocyte differentiation. (A) Tg(hsp70:noggin3) embryos were heat-shocked at 16hpf and analyzed at 48hpf. (B) Reconstruction of confocal images of WT, kny/gpc4 mutant and kny/gpc4 mutant with Tg(hsp70:noggin3), heat-shocked at 16hpf. Embryos were stained for myl7:dsRed (false-colored in green) and Amhc (red). (C) Quantification of cardiomyocytes in ventricle and atrium of embryos shown in B (n=3 for each group). (D) Quantifications of nkx2.5+ and myl7+ cells in the ventricles of wild-type siblings, kny/gpc4 mutants and kny/gpc4 mutants after Noggin3 induction. (E) Ratio of nkx2.5+/myl7+ ventricular cells in wild-type siblings, kny/gpc4 mutants and kny/gpc4 mutants after Noggin3 induction. Results are represented as meanĀ±s.e.m. *Pd0.05, **Pd0.01 (paired t-test).