Fig. 3
Examples of intracardiac tracing of extrinsic vagosympathetic inputs to SAP by neurobiotin and FM1–43X application to proximal stumps of nerve trunks (neurobiotin visualized with avidin secondary). A,B: Axons and terminals within SAP shown after tracer application to left (A) and right (B) extrinsic nerves; both tissue samples were double labeled with AcT-Hu. C: Details of terminals associated with extrinsic axons in neuropil near junction of right vagosympathetic trunk with SAP (boxed area in B). Some labeled terminals appeared to be apposed to AcT-Hu-positive neuronal somata (arrows). D: Arrows indicate putative somata and associated axons labeled with neurobiotin, among larger AcT-Hu-positive somata and neuropil. Scale bars = 100 µm in A,B; 50 µm in C; 20 µm in D.