Fig. S1 Mitoses of neural progenitor cells in the apical ventricular zone generate clonaly aligned neural progenitor cells.
A. Time-lapse imaging of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) in the optic tectum stochastically labeled by co-injection of -8.4neurog1:Gal4VP16/UAS:memb:GFP/UAS:H2ARFP plasmids into TgBAC(neurod:EGFP) embryos. NPC (3) underwent interkinetic nuclear migration prior to mitosis (asterisk) in the apical VZ. See also S2 Movie. A, apical; B, basal; NL, neuronal layer; VZ, ventricular zone. B. A single cell lineage of a TgBAC(neurod:EGFP;neurog1:lRl(loxP-DsRed-loxP)-GFP) embryo including both neurod:EGFP-positive neurons (arrows) and a dividing neurog1:DsRed-positive NPC (arrow head). TgBAC(neurog1:lRl-GFP) expresses DsRed in the absence of Cre.