Fig. 1
jag1b gene expression is blocked in the gene-trapping jag1b mutant. (A) EGFP expression patterns in jag1b+/- embryos. EGFP is expressed in the otic vesicle (arrows). Scale bar: 100µm. (B) The zebrafish jag1b genomic locus. Primers used in D are indicated. (C) The mature wild-type (WT) jag1b transcript and the predicted mutant jag1b-EGFP fusion transcript. Primers used in E are indicated. (D) PCR genotyping confirms that the jag1b gene is disrupted in jag1b mutants (right). Wild type, heterozygotes and homozygotes show different GFP intensity (left). (E) RT-PCR analysis confirms the existence of the jag1b-EGFP fusion transcript in jag1b+/- and jag1b-/- embryos. (F,G) Real-time RT-PCR (F) and western blot (G) analyses indicate that jag1b mRNA and protein levels are decreased in jag1b mutant embryos. Error bars indicate s.e.m. of triplicated experiments.