Fig. 4
Blocking of DAg1 mRNA translation by Vivo-morpholino injections results in retardation of the caudal fin regeneration.
(A and A′). Caudal fin injected by the control-generic Vivo-morpholino mixed with FLD in the right side. No retardation of regeneration is seen on the injected side. Dashed line indicates the level of amputation. Scale bar 1mm. (B and B′). Caudal fin injected by the DAg1 Vivo-morpholino mixed with FLD in the right side. Note retardation of regeneration of the injected side. Scale bar 1mm. (C). Quantification of the mean height of the regenerating part of caudal fins injected by control-generic Vivo MO or DAg1 Vivo MO at 1dpa (left) and 3dpa (right). Numbers of the injected fins are indicated by n. The schema in the middle demonstrates how mean height <h> was calculated. Drawing on this figure was done by AGZ. (D). RT-PCR analysis of DAg1 transcripts in 1dpa regenerating caudal fins injected with either control-generic Vivo MO or DAg1splice Vivo MO. White arrow indicates additional band generated by DAg1 un-spliced transcript. (E). QRT-PCR analysis of Fgf20a and Igf2b expression in the regenerating caudal fin at 1dpa and 2dpa respectively (at these days the expression levels of Fgf20a and Igf2b reach maximal values, see Fig. 3D) maximal expression levels of these genes injected with either control-generic Vivo MO or DAg1splice Vivo MO. For scheme of experiments and abbreviations see picture D and legends on Fig. 3).