Fig. 2 Expression of itch genes in zebrafish embryos.
(A) RT-PCR experiment showing early expression of both itcha and itchb genes. RNA was extracted from embryos at approximately 6, 24 and 48 hpf. cDNA was obtained from each stage using 1 µg total RNA. GAPDH was used as an internal control for cDNA amplification. (B–D) Weak, general staining of embryos at 26 hpf revealed with DIG-labelled probes complementary to itcha (B) or itchb (C) or sense sequence (D) as a control. (E–G) The primordium of 26 hpf embryos revealed with DIG-labelled probes complementary to itcha (E) or itchb (F) or sense sequence (G) as a control. Position of the primordium is underlined with a dotted line. Expression of itch genes is general, and itchb is expressed throughout the primordium. Scale bar: (B–D) 250 µm, (E–G) 25 µm.