Fig. 8
(a) Representative graph shows the survival rate of un-injected, mpba+p53, exosc8+p53 and combined mbpa+exosc8+p53 MO injections of the Tg(islet-1:GFP) strain at 48 hpf (summary of 3 experiments). The survival rate increased after triple MO injections compared with exosc8+p53 knockdown embryos. (b) Top row: morphology of the severe embryos at 48 hpf injected with exosc8+p53 and exosc8+mbpa+p53. Bottom row: brain abnormalities of exosc8+p53 and exosc8+mbpa+p53 morphants (Tg(islet-1:GFP) strain) at 48 hpf. Dorsal views of GFP positive neurons in the midbrain and the hindbrain indicate abnormal brain structures in severe exosc8+p53 morphants. Improved cranial neuron structure was detected in severe mbpa+exosc8+p53 MO injected embryos. The same result has been reproduced in three separate experiments with equal MO doses, on the same clutch of embryos.