Fig. 2
Phenotypic characterization of pCAME-treated embryos.
(A) Embryo treated with 100 μg/mL crude methanolic extract of J. gilgianum. Black arrow denotes ectopic tail. Unless otherwise noted, all treatments were performed at 2- to 4-cell stages. (B) Embryo treated with 140 μM pCAME pulsed 1h at tailbud stage, black arrow denotes ectopic tail; (C) pCAME-treated embryo with 28 μM and with (D) 14 μM pCAME; (E) Embryo treated with 28 μM pCAME; black arrows denote 2 hearts; (F) cmlc2:eGFP embryo treated with 28 μM pCAME; (H) Embryo treated with 28 μM pCAME; black double arrow indicates synophthalmia; (G) and (I) Vehicle-treated control (1% DMSO), black double arrow denotes normal distance between eyes. All embryos are at 48 hpf. The main phenotypic characteristics of pCAME-treated embryos are: tail duplication, AP-axis shortening, absence of pectoral fins, decrease in pigmentation, body curvature, synophthalmia and cardia bifida.