Fig. 7 Analysis of coexpression of otpa and sst1.1 in wildtype larvae.
Expression of otpa and sst1.1 were detected by double fluorescent whole mount in situ hybridization of wildtype larvae fixed at 3 dpf. From the whole confocal image stack, sub-stacks ranging from dorsal hindbrain image planes to ventral forebrain planes were used to generate a series of dorso-ventral Z-projections. The data reveal that sst1.1 and otpa expression domains overlap in the rostral hindbrain in wildtype larvae at 3 dpf, and some cells appear to coexpress both genes. Dorsal view, anterior at left. Abbreviations: cH, caudal hypothalamus; HB, hindbrain; Mes, mesencephalon; PO, preoptic region; vH, ventral hypothalamus. Scale bar is 50 μm.