Fig. 6

Figures for Colombo et al., 2013
Figure Caption

Fig. 6 Daam1a cooperates with Ulk2 in habenular neuropil formation. (A-I) The organisation of habenular neuropil at 4.5 hpf as revealed by anti acetylated α-tubulin immunostaining, after injection at the one- to four-cell stage with Co-MO (A), optimal doses of either ulk2spl-MO (B, 2 ng) or daam1a-MO (C, 8 ng), suboptimal doses of either ulk2spl-MO (D, 1 ng) or daam1a-MO (E, 4 ng), a combination of suboptimal doses of ulk2spl-MO and daam1a-MO (F), optimal doses of ulk2spl-MO (2 ng) combined with either dUlk2 (G) or hDAAM1 (H) mRNAs, or optimal dose of daam1a-MO (8 ng) combined with ulk2 mRNA (I). Images correspond to dorsal views of maximum intensity confocal z-stack projections, with anterior to the top. LHb, left Hb; RHb, right Hb. Scale bar: 20 μm.

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