Fig. 3 chd7 morphants display variable defects in craniofacial cartilage development. (A–B) Bright-field lateral views of representative Std control morphants and chd7 morphants at 4 dpf. (C–D) Lateral and ventral views of Std morphants with wild-type craniofacial cartilage structures at 4 dpf. (F–G) Representative lateral and ventral views of the average chd7 morphant phenotype and is categorized as underdeveloped. The ceratohyal cartilages of the chd7 morphant are malformed and form a more linear shape. The five ceratobranchial cartilages were also undetectable with Alcian blue staining. (I–J) Lateral and ventral views of a severe chd7 morphant phenotype detected a highly underdeveloped neurocranium with the anterior and branchial arches absent. (E, H, K) Schematic views of the zebrafish craniofacial cartilage excluding the neurocranium. A solid red line indicates that the structure is present but malformed; while, a dashed red line indicates that the structure is absent. AC=auditory capsule, CB=ceratobranchial, CH=ceratohyal, EP=ethmoid plate, ME=Meckel′s cartilage, N=notochord, PC=parachordal, PEC=pectoral fin, PQ=palatoquadrate, and T=trabeculacranii. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 382(1), Balow, S.A., Pierce, L.X., Zentner, G.E., Conrad, P.A., Davis, S., Sabaawy, H.E., McDermott, B.M., and Scacheri, P.C., Knockdown of fbxl10/kdm2bb rescues chd7 morphant phenotype in a zebrafish model of CHARGE syndrome, 57-69, Copyright (2013) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.