Fig. S3
Muscle morphology and identity gene expression. (A, B) Nau expression in St12 embryos. The number of Nau+ nuclei is comparable between control and hoip1 embryos. (C, D) rp298.lacZ expression in St12 embryos. The number of lacZ+ nuclei is comparable between control and hoip1 embryos. (E, F) St16 rp298.gal4>τ.GFP, rp298.nlacZ embryos double-labeled for GFP (red) and lacZ (green). hoip1 embryos showed a significant reduction in the number of lacZ+ nuclei (F) compared with wild type (E). (G, H) Quantification of Nau+ and rp298.lacZ+ positive nuclei in the dorsal mesoderm. The number of segments quantified is given for each genotype and time point. Unpaired t-tests were performed to establish significance. Error bars represent s.e.m. (I, J) MHC.τGFP, Hand. nGFP expression in St16 embryos. (I) Wild-type and (J) MHC1 embryos show similar somatic muscle morphology. In particular LL1/DO5 muscles have elongated and attached in all segments (red arrows). ns, not significant; ***P<0.001.