Fig. 4
CRFB1 becomes dispersed as a result of whole virus infection in vitro.
ZFL cells were infected 24 h post transfection and fixed prior to imaging. For all images, 60×/1.2 NA magnification. Scale bars, 1 μm. Shown for each part is the surface of one cell representative of the experiment. A) Uninfected cells overexpressing CRFB1 demonstrate that the receptor exists in clustered patches indicative of caveolae. B) Cells infected with SHRV demonstrate that CRFB1 becomes dispersed as a result of virus infection by 24 hpi. C) Pair correlation analysis confirms that compared to uninfected cells, CRFB1 becomes dispersed after infection. Values of g(r) in cells with SHRV infection are considered to be random in comparison to values in cells that remain uninfected (ne8 cells per treatment).