Fig. 6 Notch-Su(H) signaling is sufficient to induce akt1 expression and inhibit neuronal differentiation.
(A) akt1 expression was downregulated in Notch activity-deficient mind bomb mutant embryos compared with wild-type siblings as shown by in situ hybridization, which was confirmed by qPCR analysis in B. (C) akt1 expression levels were upregulated by constitutive-active Su(H) injection and quantified by qPCR in D. (E) Injection of constitutive-active Su(H) significantly downregulated HuC/D expression and this phenotype was nullified by akt1 knockdown. (F) Western blot analysis confirmed the levels of HuC/D expression shown in E. CA-Su(H), constitutive-active Su(H); **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001.