Fig. 2 mc4r Is Required for Suppression of Somatic Growth by Morpholino Oligonucleotide Blockade of agrp
(A–D) Bar diagram showing the size of wild-type and mutant single mc4r coding alleles in three lines identified by TILLING (Sanger Institute) (A). The maximal potential protein coding segment of each receptor mutant is as follows: sa0122, 18 aa; sa0148, 30 aa; sa0149, 185 aa. mc4r mutations do not affect early larval growth (B). Offspring from heterozygote matings of sa0122, sa0148, and sa0149 were measured at 5 dpf, then genotyped by PCR. Numbers of fish analyzed in each group from left to right are 29, 47, 20 (sa0122); 26, 40, 27 (sa0148); and 25, 49, 19 (sa0149). Representative injected (5 ng agrp MO) or uninjected control sa0149 fish at 5 dpf with genotype and experimental treatment are indicated (C). Body lengths of fish treated as indicated (n = 24–36) were measured with a micrometer at 5 dpf, showing no effect of morpholino blockade of agrp on growth in the sa0149 mc4r/ fish (D). Bars indicate mean ± SEM. Results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey′s post test (p < 0.001). See also Figure S2
Reprinted from Cell Metabolism, 15(2), Zhang, C., Forlano, P.M., and Cone, R.D., AgRP and POMC neurons are hypophysiotropic and coordinately regulate multiple endocrine axes in a larval teleost, 256-264, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell Metab.