Fig. 3 Enhancers within an ASD–associated AUTS2 intronic deletion [5].
Three positive enhancers (AEC27, 29, 32) show positive enhancer activity in zebrafish (24 or 48 hpf) and in mice (E11.5 or 12.5). AEC27 shows enhancer expression in the somitic muscle in zebrafish, while in mouse at E11.5 (hs658; [34]) it is active in the midbrain, medulla, and neural tube at E11.5. The histological section below shows its enhancer activity in the pretectum and the pons. At E12.5, AEC29 shows enhancer activity in the olfactory epithelium (arrows in histological section) similar to zebrafish and in addition also displays enhancer expression in the eye. AEC32 recapitulates the zebrafish enhancer expression displaying strong enhancer activity in the midbrain (tectum) and hindbrain and in addition also displays enhancer expression in the forebrain at E12.5. Histological sections of AEC32 show enhancer activity in the mouse cerebellum (red arrowheads).