Fig. 7 Paxillin action but not subcellular localization requires functional integrin receptors for laminin.
(A–B, D–E) Side-mounted, anterior left, dorsal top, 2 dpf embryos stained with phalloidin (white). (A–B) Antibody staining shows that paxillin (green) concentrates at the MTJ in itga6 morphants (B) as in controls (A). (C) Quantification of MTJ failure shows that paxillin overexpression does not rescue itga6 morphants. (D-E) Transgenic overexpression of paxillin:GFP (green) does not affect MTJ development in controls (D) and is not sufficient to rescue MTJ failure in itga6 morphants (E). (F-G) Anterior left, dorsal top, side-mounted, 26 hpf embryos stained for paxillin (white). Paxillin concentrates at the MTJ in itga7 morphants (G) as in controls (F). (H-I) Side mounted, anterior left, dorsal top, 4 dpf embryos stained with phalloidin (white). Fiber detachment is readily observed in itga7 morphants (H) and itga7 morphants transgenically overexpressing paxillin (I, white arrowheads). (J) Paxillin overexpression does not affect fiber detachment frequency in itga7 morphants. Together, these results suggest that Itga6 and Itga7 are required for paxillin-mediated improvements in muscle tissue. N.S., not significant. Scale bars are 50 micrometers.