Fig. S1 Chemical treatments do not affect endogenous kit-a expression or larval development (related to Figures 1 and 2).
(A) q-PCR data for kit-a expression by chemical-treated larvae confirming that these chemical treatments do not alter transgene expression level. (B-I) Wide field images of chemical-treated larvae at 4dpf, showing that our various chemical treatments does not result in any obvious developmental abnormalities. (J-S) Representative images of flank skin regions showing V12RAS+ clones (green) of (J) DMSO, (K) NS398, (L) Celecoxib, (M) CAY10560, (N) SC19220, (O) SC-560, (P) NS398+dmPGE2 (Q) Celecoxib+dmPGE2, (R) CAY10560+dmPGE2, (S) ONO-1811. Scale bars in J-S = 100μm.