Fig. 8
FezF2 and Irx1b limit the MDO at the AP axis. Shh expression in the MDO is decreased in Wnt3/Wnt3a deficient embryos (A, B, n = 45/55), whereas, prethalamic identity as well as thalamic identity is maintained (E, F, n = 18/23). In triple morphant embryos lacking Wnt3, Wnt3a and Fezf2 function, a restoration of shh expression is observed in the MDO (C, n = 28/31) accompanied by a reduction of lhx5 expression in the pre-thalamus (G, n = 10/34). In wnt3/wnt3a/irx1b triple morphant embryos, we observe a similar restore of the shh positive MDO (D, n = 28/31); however, here the neurog1 positive thalamus shrinks (H, n = 25/32, N, n = 20/25). For explanation of the summary (I-L) see the text.