Fig. S9
Pre-mRNA splicing of the housekeeping gene actb1, but not b2m, is unaffected in the Ddx46hi2137/hi2137 mutant. (A–D) Scheme of the b2m and actb1 pre-mRNA regions analyzed for splicing (boxes, exons; lines, introns; arrows, primers) (A, C). The splicing status of b2m and actb1 pre-mRNA was monitored using RT-PCR with the primers indicated in scheme A and C, respectively. Total RNA was isolated from the heads of Ddx46hi2137/hi2137 mutants (mut) and control (con) larvae. Unspliced b2m mRNAs were retained in the Ddx46hi2137/hi2137 mutants compared to the control larvae (arrowheads in B), whereas the splicing of actb1 was unaffected in the Ddx46hi2137/hi2137 mutants (arrowheads in D). Unspliced and spliced PCR products were verified by sequencing. +RT refers to the validation reaction itself, and -RT represents the respective control reaction without reverse transcriptase. 18S rRNA was used as a loading control. M, DNA size markers (sizes in bp). Control larvae were sibling WT or Ddx46hi2137/+ larvae and had normal phenotypes.