Fig. 6

Figures for Hozumi et al., 2012
Figure Caption

Fig. 6

Ddx46 deficiency affects pre-mRNA splicing in the digestive organs and brain.

(A–H) Scheme of the dla, her6, ptf1a, and fabp10a pre-mRNA regions analyzed for splicing (boxes, exons; lines, introns; arrows, primers) (A, C, E, G). The splicing status of dla, her6, ptf1a, and fabp10a pre-mRNA was monitored using RT-PCR with the primers indicated in scheme A, C, E, and G, respectively. Unspliced dla, her6, ptf1a, and fabp10a mRNAs were retained in the Ddx46hi2137/hi2137 mutant (mut) larvae compared to the control (con) larvae (arrowheads in B, D, F, H). Unspliced and spliced PCR products were verified by sequencing. +RT refers to the validation reaction itself, and RT represents the respective control reaction without reverse transcriptase. actb1 is a loading control by using primers designed in the exon 6. M, DNA size markers (sizes in bp); the asterisks point to nonspecific PCR products. Control larvae were sibling WT or Ddx46hi2137/+ larvae and had normal phenotypes.

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