Fig. 3
Assessment of the ability of lamprey and amphioxus Tfap2 paralogs to restore neural crest in tfap2a/c-deficient zebrafish embryos. (A,D,G,J,M) Dorsal views of flat-mounted wild-type zebrafish embryos (A) or embryos injected with the indicated mRNA and/or MO (D,G,J,M), fixed at 11 hpf and processed to reveal foxd3 expression. White asterisks indicate premigratory neural crest. Red asterisks indicate non-neural crest-derived tailbud. (B,E,H,K,N) Lateral views of wild-type zebrafish embryos (B) or embryos injected with the indicated mRNA and/or MO (E,H,K,N), fixed at 22 hpf and processed to reveal dlx2a expression. White asterisks indicate migratory neural crest. Yellow asterisks indicate brain. (C,F,I,L,O) Lateral views of live embryos at 48 hpf that are wild type (C) or tfap2a mutants injected with tfap2c MO (F,I,L,O), and injected with the indicated mRNA. No trend was seen in the ability of Bf-tfap2 versus Pm-tfap2 to rescue more melanophores per embryos. Insets in figure I and L are higher magnification images of boxed melanophores. Embryos shown with anterior to the left, unless otherwise indicated. Scale bars: in A, 100 μm for A,D,G,J,M; in B, 50 μm for B,E,H,K,N; in C, 100 μm for C,F,I,L,O.