Fig. 3
ponzr1 expression is regulated by pax2a. (A) Wild-type cdh17 mRNA expression in the pronephric ducts and tubules (arrows) at 24 hpf. (B-F) Injecting 25 pg of pax2a mRNA results in ectopic cdh17 expression anteriorly (B, arrows) and between the pronephric tubules (C, arrows). Endogenous ponzr1 expression is seen in the pronephric ducts and tubules at 24 hpf (D, arrows). Embryos injected with 25 pg of pax2a mRNA reveal ectopic ponzr1 expression between the pronephric tubules (E,F, arrows). (G-J) Dorsal (G,I) and lateral (H,J) views show a loss of ponzr1 expression (I,J) compared with wild-type siblings (G,H) in anterior and posterior pronephros in noitu29a–/–embryos at 32 hpf.