Fig. 2
ponzr1 expression in the developing zebrafish kidney. (A) lhx1a mRNA expression in the intermediate mesoderm (arrows) at 8S. (B) ponzr1 mRNA expression in the intermediate mesoderm (arrows) at 8S. (C,D) pax2a mRNA expression at 12S (C) is comparable to ponzr1 (D). (E-K) ponzr1 expression is maintained throughout kidney development from intermediate mesoderm to the formation of the pronephric ducts and tubules. Lateral (E) and dorsal (F) views of ponzr1 show expression in the intermediate mesoderm (arrow) at 10S. ponzr1 expression in the pronephric ducts and tubules (arrows) at 13S (G), 15S (H), 18S (I), 21S (J) and 24 hpf (K). (L-O) At 48 hpf (L,M) and 72 hpf (N,O), ponzr1 expression is detected in the pharyngeal arches (open arrows), pronephric tubules (black arrowhead), ducts (black arrow) and glomeruli (open arrowhead). (P,Q) Double in situ hybridizations with pax2a (orange) and ponzr1 (purple) reveal overlapping expression of ponzr1 and pax2a during kidney development (arrows).