Fig. 5
myf5:YFP (YFP, yellow fluorescent protein) and myod:GFP (GFP, green fluorescent protein) in cardiotoxin-induced injury. A,B: Injured Tg(myf5:YFP)CLGY237 larva at 4 days postfertilization (dpf): note up-regulation of YFP expression in fibers around the injury site (A) and accumulation of Pax7+ve cells around the YFP+ve fibers (B). C,D: Injured wild-type larva at 5 dpf (C) and at 4 dpf (D) showing slight auto-fluorescence in the injured fiber: this is much weaker and more diffuse than the signal seen in the Tg(myf5:YFP)CLGY237 injured larvae. E,F: Control (E) and injured TgBAC(myod:GFP)i124 (F) larva at 4 dpf: note new small myod-expressing fibers that have formed in response to injury (arrows in E). G: Expression of myf5 (assayed by in situ hybridization) in fibers localized at the site of injury in a 4 dpf larva.