Fig. 7
Mitfa-dependent repression of sox10 expression in neural crest.
Whole-mount in situ hybridisation shows prominent expression of sox10 in peripheral glia and ear in mutants (D) and WT siblings (A); expression in WT melanocytes is undetectable (B), but mitfa mutants show prominent expression in many cells in the position of the dorsal stripe (E). (C, F) At this same stage expression of mitfa in WT siblings is undetectable under conditions used in this experiment (C), but can be shown by enhancing sensitivity by increasing PTU inhibition of melanisation and extending the signal development time (C, inset). Mitfa expression is clearly enhanced in mitfa mutants (F). Note that WTs have been treated with 0.00075% PTU to limit melanisation. B,C,E,F) dorsal views of posterior trunk, focused just above spinal cord. Scale bars, 100 μm.