Fig. 5
RAR-vps can induce ectopic expression of RA target genes. (A1–I1) Injection of the rar-vp mRNAs differentially activates reporter expression. (A2–I2) Injection of the rar-vp mRNAs, except for rarga-ΔAvp, eliminates the MHB. Cocktail (cktl) of probes includes opl/zic1 (telencephalon, diencephalic-midbrain boundary), eng2a (MHB), krox20/egr2b (rhombomeres 3 and 5), and myod (somites and adaxial cells). Arrowheads indicate loss of enr2 expression in the MHB. (A3–I3, A4–I4) Injection of the rarNvp, rarΔAvp, and rarCvp mRNAs can induce ectopic expression of the RA signaling target genes dhrs3a and hoxb5b, while injection of the rarΔFvp mRNAs inhibits their expression. Arrowheads indicate ectopic dhrs3a or hoxb5b expression in the notochord. Arrows indicate ectopic dhrs3a expression more anteriorly. (A1–A4) Control uninjected embryos. (B1–B4) rarabNvp mRNA-injected embryos. (C1–C4) rarabΔAvp mRNA-injected embryos. (D1–D4) rarabCvp mRNA-injected embryos. (E1–E4) rarabΔFvp mRNA-injected embryos. (F1–F4) rargaNvp mRNA-injected embryos. (G1–G4) rargaΔAvp mRNA-injected embryos. (H1–H4) rargaCvp mRNA-injected embryos. (I1–I4) rargaΔFvp mRNA-injected embryos. All images except A2–I2 are dorsal views with anterior up. Images in A2–I2 are lateral views with dorsal to the right.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 352(1), Waxman, J.S., and Yelon, D., Zebrafish retinoic acid receptors function as context-dependent transcriptional activators, 128-140, Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.