Fig. 2 The nb/nbl knockdown affects erythrocytes development.
A–B. The general morphology of 48 hpf nb/nbl morphants is substantially unaffected (B) when compared to control embryos (A). C. Hematopoietic defects in nb/nbl morphants at 48 hpf: ∼60% of the nb/nbl morphants displayed a severe hematopoietic defect (n = 191). 100% of control embryos was unaffected (n = 93). *** p<0.001 vs std MO. D–I. Detailed images of the blood flow in the trunk-tail region of 48 hpf Tg(gata1:dsRed) embryos injected with std MO (0.8 pmol/embryo; D, E) and nb/nbl MO (0.8 pmol/embryo; G, H). In nb/nbl morphants no circulating red cells are detectable within the trunk vasculature. Whole embryo o-dianisidine staining on 48 hpf std MO embryos (F) and nb/nbl morphants (I). L–M′. Longitudinal semithin plastic sections of std MO (L, L′) and nb/nbl MO-injected embryos (M, M′) at 2 dpf. Fewer elements are detectable within the Dorsal Aorta (DA) and the Caudal Vein (CV) in nb/nbl morphants when compared to control embryos. L′, M′: higher magnification of L, M.