Fig. S3 ctcf morphants do not exhibit increased apoptosis. Staining with acridine orange labels apoptotic cells and was performed on rad21nz171 mutants, ctcf morphants, and wild type controls at 24 h.p.f. ctcf morphants were obtained by injecting wild type embryos at the 1-4 cell stage with 0.75pM CTCF splx2 morpholino (ctcfMO: 5′CCAAAACAGATCACAAACCTGAAAG3′). Embryos were dechorionated and incubated in 5 μM acridine orange solution for 30 minutes. After rinsing in embryo medium, embryos were imaged with an Olympus IX71 microscope and DP Controller software. A. rad21nz171 mutants exhibit high levels of apoptosis as indicated by the presence of large numbers of acridine orange-positive cells. B, In contrast, ctcf morphants exhibit equivalent numbers of acridine orange-positive cells to the wild type embryos shown in C. Groups of 24 h.p.f. embryos are shown, and these are are representative of three independent experiments.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 344(2), Rhodes, J.M., Bentley, F.K., Print, C.G., Dorsett, D., Misulovin, Z., Dickinson, E.J., Crosier, K.E., Crosier, P.S., and Horsfield, J.A., Positive regulation of c-Myc by cohesin is direct, and evolutionarily conserved, 637-649, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.