Fig. 4 Transgene expression in larvae of strain Ppv3b-4-12825. (A) The transgenic line Ppv3b-4-12825 displays a pattern of expression similar to that of the Ppv3b-4 line in the ear and lateral line; however, labeling also extends to the eye and gut. (B) In supraorbital neuromast 3 of a 7-dpf embryo, the overlap of GFP expression (green) and immunolabeling for parvalbumin 3 (red) causes hair cells to appear yellow. Some supporting cells (blue arrowheads) and mantle cells (yellow arrowheads) also express GFP. (C) Similar labeling of the posterior macula at 7 dpf reveals GFP expression (green) primarily in the supporting cells separating hair cells labeled for parvalbumin 3 (red). (D) In the crista of a horizontal semicircular canal at 30 dpf, labeling like that above demonstrates robust expression of GFP (green) in supporting cells and of parvalbumin 3 in hair cells (red). Blue and yellow arrowheads designate supporting and mantle cells, respectively. The scale bars represent 5 μm.
Reprinted from Gene expression patterns : GEP, 10(2-3), McDermott, B.M., Asai, Y., Baucom, J.M., Jani, S.D., Castellanos, Y., Gomez, G., McClintock, J.M., and Hudspeth, A.J., Transgenic Labeling of Hair Cells in the Zebrafish Acousticolateralis System, 113-118, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Gene Expr. Patterns