Fig. 6
bromi Regulates the Association Between Ciliary Membranes and Axonemes
(A) Zebrafish embryos (72 hpf) injected with MOs against the start site (bromi- AUG) and exon 8/intron 8 splice site (bromi-e8i8) of the zebrafish bromi homolog resulted in abnormal tail curvature. bromi-AUG MO fish exhibited hydrocephalus (arrow), while this was less frequent in bromi-e8i8 MO fish.
(B) Confocal microscopy of acetylated α-tubulin-stained cilia in the posterior (distal early/late) regions of the zebrafish kidney tubules. Ciliary morphology in the anterior (proximal convoluted/straight) regions of the tubules was not appreciably affected in the morphants.
(C?E) Posterior pronephric cilia visualized by TEM showing 9 + 2 axonemal structure in 48 hpf control and bromi-AUG MO fish. The membranes of control cilia were tightly associated with axonemes (C), whereas they detached along one side of the axonemes (blue arrows) and dramatically expanded within the tubule lumens of bromi-AUG MO fish (D and E). Scale bars, 100 nm.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 18(2), Ko, H.W., Norman, R.X., Tran, J., Fuller, K.P., Fukuda, M., and Eggenschwiler, J.T., Broad-Minded Links Cell Cycle-Related Kinase to Cilia Assembly and Hedgehog Signal Transduction, 237-247, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell