Figure Caption
Fig. S1 RT-PCR of analysis of RNA isolated from 48 hpf uninjected (Uninj), control morpholino-injected (CMO) and obscurin RhoGEF morpholino-injected (ObscRhoMO) embryos. (A) Amplification using primers for the 3′ end of the obscurin A transcript demonstrates intact expression of the transcript 3′ to the targeted exon. (B) Amplification of the obscurin B transcript indicates that the transcript is intact but not appreciable upregulated in response to obscurin A RhoGEF antisense targeting. (C) β-actin amplification is shown for comparison.
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 337(2), Raeker, M.O., Bieniek, A.N., Ryan, A.S., Tsai, H.J., Zahn, K.M., and Russell, M.W., Targeted deletion of the zebrafish obscurin A RhoGEF domain affects heart, skeletal muscle and brain development, 432-443, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.