Fig. 1 Modulation of Vascular Flow Affects HSC Formation in Zebrafish
(A–M) Effect of blood flow modifiers on runx1/cmyb+ HSC formation. Zebrafish were exposed to chemicals (10 μM) from 10 somites–36 hpf and subjected to runx1/cmyb in situ hybridization. Photomicrographs were taken with Nomarski optics at 40x magnification. Representative examples from after drug treatment are shown.
(L) Effect of todralazine (10 μM; 67 inc/84).
(M) Effect of drug treatment on runx1 expression, quantified by qPCR (mean ± SD).
(N) Effect of drug treatment on the diameter of the dorsal aorta in vivo. Transgenic fli:GFP fish were treated with chemicals and imaged by confocal microscopy at 36 hpf; all treatments were statistically significant from the control (mean ± SD, ANOVA, p < 0.001).
Reprinted from Cell, 137(4), North, T.E., Goessling, W., Peeters, M., Li, P., Ceol, C., Lord, A.M., Weber, G.J., Harris, J., Cutting, C.C., Huang, P., Dzierzak, E., and Zon, L.I., Hematopoietic stem cell development is dependent on blood flow, 736-748, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell