Fig. 4 Muscle specific and novel expression patterns. (A) Whole mount in situ hybridisation (WISH) of 6 cDNAs that show muscle specific hybridisation. Lateral view of zebrafish embryos at between 3 and 9 somite stages. a2bp1l and hsp90a are also expressed in cardiac, pectoral fin and head muscles at later stages. tgfbi is dynamically expressed in the sclerotome and bone precursors later in development (Kim and Ingham, in press, and fn1b is a fast muscle specific fibronectin. ZFmu13s is a putative transcript that has no open reading frame, but may be a UTR for a larger gene; it is expressed in the dorsal region of the somite (Fig. 5d). Expression of ZFmu5B5s later becomes restricted to the posterior somite boundaries at 24hpf. (B) Twelve genes have expression patterns that are not described on ZFIN. The figure shows a lateral view of whole mount embryos at mid somite (10–15) and 24 hpf stages stained with each of the 12 cDNAs. With the exception of ZFmu1D10s, ZFmu5B2s and a2bp1l, the majority of these genes have a low level of expression. In addition many are expressed predominantly in the posterior forming somites and are no longer expressed after 24hpf (ZFmu13s and nat13). Most of these genes represent novel transcripts and putative transcripts. a2bp1l, dlat, nat13 and wars are listed on ZFIN, however, they have no expression data. Additional images of ZFmu1D10s, a2bp1l and dlat at later stages of development are shown in Supplementary Fig. S1.
Reprinted from Gene expression patterns : GEP, 9(2), Baxendale, S., Chen, C.K., Tang, H., Davison, C., Hateren, L.V., Croning, M.D., Humphray, S.J., Hubbard, S.J., and Ingham, P.W., Expression screening and annotation of a zebrafish myoblast cDNA library, 73-82, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Gene Expr. Patterns