Fig. S2 Bead implants locally up-regulate targets of Fgf8 signalling, but do not affect habenular development or Nodal gene expression
(A-D) lov expression at 3dpf is unaffected by implantation of BSA- (A,C) or Fgf8- (B,D) loaded beads at 26 ss in wild-type (WT; A,B) and ace mutant (C,D) embryos.
(E-H) The Fgf-target gene erm is up-regulated in a ring around the bead (white brackets) in embryos at 30 hpf after Fgf8-bead implantation at 26 ss (F,H).
(I,J) Nodal signalling is not re-activated in the epithalamus (black arrowheads) at 26 hpf by implantation of BSA- (I) or Fgf8- (J) loaded beads at 26 ss as demonstrated by lack of epithalamic pitx2 staining in all embryos; ventral pitx2-positive domain acted as an internal control.