Fig. 4

Figures for Yoshida et al., 2008
Figure Caption

Fig. 4 Effect of il1rapl1b-MO on the axon terminal morphology of olfactory sensory neurons. (A) Representative GAP43-EGFP signals in axon terminals of olfactory sensory neurons in zebrafish embryos injected with Pomp-GG and control-MO (left), Pomp-GG and il1rapl1b-MO (middle) and Pomp-GG-Il1rapl1b and il1rapl1b-MO (right) at 84 hpf. Bar = 5 μm. (B) The area (left), perimeter (middle) and complexity (right) values of axon terminals of olfactory sensory neurons in zebrafish embryos injected with Pomp-GG and control-MO (open bars), Pomp-GG and il1rapl1b-MO (filled bars) and Pomp-GG-Il1rapl1b and il1rapl1b-MO (gray bars) at 84 hpf. n = 44–47 for 30 embryos. One-way ANOVA: F = 9.2 and p < 0.001, F = 14.3 and p < 0.001, and F = 14.7 and p < 0.001 for axon terminal area, perimeter and complexity, respectively. All values represent mean ± SEM. **, p < 0.01.

Figure Data
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Reprinted from Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 39(2), Yoshida, T., and Mishina, M., Zebrafish orthologue of mental retardation protein IL1RAPL1 regulates presynaptic differentiation, 218-228, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell Neurosci.