Fig. S8

Figures for Strasser et al., 2008
Figure Caption

Fig. S8 Verification of the Tdrd7 knock down phenotype. A) 3D projection of granules labeled with Granulito-EYFP in 24 hours old control cells (left panel), in Tdrd7 depleted cells (right panel) verifies that Tdrd7 function is indeed required for the formation of uniform normal sized granules. B) Granulito and Vasa colocalize as well in the Tdrd7 morphant situation with each other. C) Coexpression of the GFP fusion to dynein light chain2 and Vasa DsRed in Tdrd7 morphant PGCs shows a comparable dynamic localization of Dynein in germ cell granules as it is known for wildtype PGCs. D) Using Clip170-GFP as a marker for microtubular networks shows normal network for interphase as well as mitotic PGCs.

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