Fig. 2 Pcdh18a expression in zebrafish embryos. (A) RT-PCR reactions for pcdh18a and histone 4 (H4) as control were performed for different stages (1–8: unfertilized eggs, 100–200 cells, high dome, 40–50% epiboly, 80–90%, bud, 6 somites, and 24 h embryos, respectively). Pcdh18a is expressed zygotically but not maternally. (B–O) In situ hybridization for pcdh18a. (B) Pcdh18a is expressed in the epiblast at about 60% epiboly (lateral view). (C–E) Dorsal views of shield (C), 60% (D) and 90% (E) epiboly stages. (F, G) Anterior views and (H) lateral view of bud (F) and 1 somite stage (G, H), showing lateral expression in addition to the midline expression that arose earlier. (I–L) Lateral views of 2 somite (I), 6 somite (J), 13–14 somite (K), and 18 somite (L) stages. Expression is detected in midbrain, diencephalon, telencephalon, thalamus, hindbrain, spinal cord, otic vesicles and branchial arches. (M) 24hpf embryo; inset, higher magnification of the tail showing expression in spinal cord but not notochord, hypochord or floor plate. (N) 2-day and (O) 3-day old embryos, showing reduced expression that becomes restricted to the branchial arches. B, branchial; hb, Hindbrain; sc, spinal cord; th, thalamus; tm, tectum; d, diencephalon; t, telencephalon; ov, otic vesicles; nt, notochord; hy, hypochord; fp, floor plate.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 318(2), Aamar, E., and Dawid, I.B., Protocadherin-18a has a role in cell adhesion, behavior and migration in zebrafish development, 335-346, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.