Fig. 3
Fig. 3 F1a-GPS1 morphant embryos display defects in convergence and extension at the end of gastrulation. Whole-mount in situ hybridization of tailbud to 1-somite stage embryos (A–L) and 75% epiboly (N and O) following injection with F1a-GPS1 or F1a-GPS1 morpholino with four nucleotide changes (CoMo). Gene probes are as indicated on the plates. (A, B, I, and J) Lateral view; dorsal is to right. (C–H, K, and L) Dorsal view; anterior is to top. (N and O) Lateral view, animal pole is up and dorsal is to the right. (A–D) Red arrowheads mark the anterior limit of papc expression highlighting the shortened trunk; black and white arrows indicate lateral extent of papc and six3 expression, respectively. papc; paraxial protocadherin. (E–H) Insets are magnified views to show flh domain width. flh; floating head. (J) Black arrow indicates absence of sox3 expression within part of the developing head, red arrow indicates reduced ventral sox3 expression. (K) An asterisk indicates sox-3-negative domain and the arrow indicates a sox3-negative area intruding into the sox3-positive retinal field. (M) Schematic representation of marker gene expression within the anterior neural plate based upon data from Varga et al. (1999). The retinal domain (mauve) expresses odd-paired-like (opl) and sox3, ventral diencephalon (green) expresses mar (forkhead 3; Moens et al., 1996 and Odenthal and Nusslein-Volhard, 1998) and is sox3-negative. Surrounding domains (pink) express otx2 (N and O); chd, chordin.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 282(2), Formstone, C.J., and Mason, I., Combinatorial activity of Flamingo proteins directs convergence and extension within the early zebrafish embryo via the planar cell polarity pathway, 320-335, Copyright (2005) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.