Fig. 5 Effects of her1/11Mo and her13.2Mo injections on somite border formation in medaka. (A) Anterior somite borders in wild-type embryos, (B) in her1/11 morphants (0.2 mM, 2 experiments, n = 124, 97.58% embryos show wild-type morphology) and (C) in her13.2 morphants (0.2 mM, 5 experiments, n = 281, 98.9% embryos show wild-type morphology). (D) Anterior somite borders are completely absent in double injections (0.06 mM her1/11Mo and 0.2 mM her13.2Mo, 7 experiments, n = 267, 66.3% affected). Expression of the segmental marker myf5 (Elmasri et al., 2004) was monitored in (E) wild-type embryos, (F) her1/11 morphants (0.2 mM, 2 experiments, n = 82, 95% show segmental myf5 expression), (G) her13.2 morphants (0.2 mM, 3 experiments, n = 105, 97% show segmental myf5 expression) and (H) respective double morphants (0.06 mM her1/11Mo and 0.2 mM her13.2Mo, 3 experiments, n = 89, 96.6% show uniform myf5 expression). (A–G) 8–10 somite stage embryos, (A–D) living embryos, (E–G) flat mounted embryos, all in dorsal view, anterior to the top.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 293(1), Sieger, D., Ackermann, B., Winkler, C., Tautz, D., and Gajewski, M., her1 and her13.2 are jointly required for somitic border specification along the entire axis of the fish embryo, 242-251, Copyright (2006) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.