Fig. 3 Expression of myoD and somite border effects in the different morphants. (A) Wild-type expression of myoD, (B) in her1 morphants (0.6 mM; 2 experiments, n = 40, 95% show segmental myoD expression, which is slightly more diffuse in anterior somites), (C) in her13.2 morphants (0.6 mM; 2 experiments, n = 38, all embryos show segmental myoD expression) and (D) a full disruption of the myoD pattern in her1/her13.2 morphants (0.6 mM her1Mo + 0.6 mM her13.2Mo; 2 experiments, n = 57, 96.49% affected). Somite border disruption in (E) beatm98/deltaC mutants (van Eeden et al., 1996 and Jülich et al., 2005b), (F) her13.2Mo injections in beatm98/deltaC mutant background (0.6 mM; 2 experiments, n = 65, all embryos show bea phenotype), (G) Su(H) morphants (0.6 mM; 1 experiment, n = 40, 95% affected, showing the Su(H)Mo phenotype (Sieger et al., 2003)) and (H) Su(H)/her13.2 double morphants (0.6 mM Su(H)Mo + 0.6 mM her13.2Mo; 2 experiments, n = 52, 96.15% show Su(H)Mo phenotype). No enhanced effects could be observed in panels (F) and (H) when her13.2 morpholino was additionally injected compared to the single beatm98 mutant (E) or Su(H) morphant situation (G), respectively. (A–D) 8–10 somite stage embryos, flat mounted embryos, anterior to the top. (E–H) Whole-mount embryos, lateral view, anterior to the left. Stars in panels (E–H) mark the position of the somite borders.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 293(1), Sieger, D., Ackermann, B., Winkler, C., Tautz, D., and Gajewski, M., her1 and her13.2 are jointly required for somitic border specification along the entire axis of the fish embryo, 242-251, Copyright (2006) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.