Fig. 5 Retarded differentiation of retinal cells in zRab11-FIP4 morphants. (A) Differentiation of RGCs. Transverse sections prepared from control embryos and zRab11-FIP4 morphants at 36 hpf (upper photos) and 44 hpf (lower photos) were immunostained with anti-Hu C/D antibody. (B) Transverse sections prepared from control embryos or zRab11-FIP4 morphants at 48, 60 and 72 hpf were stained with toluidine blue to analyze the morphology (left panel), and others were used to examine the expression of differentiation markers (Hu C/D for RGC and amacrine [middle panel] and zpr-1 for cone photoreceptors [right panel]). Scale bar indicates 50 μm. (C) Expression of ath5 (lateral views, left panel) and islet-1 (ventral views, right panel) mRNAs was examined by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Control embryos and zRab11-FIP4 morphants fixed at 26, 30 and 34 hpf were analyzed. Initial expression of Ath5 (white arrowheads) and islet1 (black arrowheads) was observed in a small area of the ventronasal retina. (D) Whole-mount staining of RGC axons in control embryos and zRab11-FIP4 morphants with monoclonal antibody zn-5 at 52 hpf. Ventral views. Arrows point to the optic chiasm. Scale bars indicate 50 μm in panels A and B and 100 μm in panels C and D.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 292(1), Muto, A., Arai, K.I., and Watanabe, S., Rab11-FIP4 is predominantly expressed in neural tissues and involved in proliferation as well as in differentiation during zebrafish retinal development, 90-102, Copyright (2006) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.