Fig. 5 Gene expression patterns of LIMK2 variants encoding the LIM domains. Abbreviations used are: adductor mandibulae (am), branchial arches (ba), cerebellum (ce), cephalic musculature (cm), diencephalon (di), dorsal aorta (da), epithalamus (e), floorplate (fp), hindbrain (hb), intermandibularis posterior (imp), intestine (int), lens (ls), liver (lv), midbrain (mb), mesencephalon (mes), midbrain–hindbrain-boundary (mhb), metencephalic artery (mta), otic vesicle (ov), pancreas (p), pectoral fin buds (pf), proliferative cell layer (pl), rhombencephalon (rl), somites (som), tectum (tct), tegmentum (tgm), telencephalon (tel).
Reprinted from Gene expression patterns : GEP, 7(5), Ott, E.B., Te Velthuis, A.J., and Bagowski, C.P., Comparative analysis of splice form-specific expression of LIM Kinases during zebrafish development, 620-629, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Gene Expr. Patterns