
Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
The PAM site was "TGG" at the 3' end.
Genome Resources
Target Location
No data available
Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
pc55 capza1a
Gene expression in Wild Types + CRISPR1-capza1a
No data available
Phenotype resulting from CRISPR1-capza1a
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing CRISPR1-capza1a
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
trunk capza1a expression decreased amount, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55 (TU) standard conditions Fig 4 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome skeletal muscle myofibril decreased amount, abnormal capza1apc55/+; capza1bpc56/+ (TU) standard conditions Fig 4 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome myofibril assembly decreased process quality, abnormal capza1apc55/+; capza1bpc56/+ (TU) standard conditions Fig 4 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome myofibril assembly decreased process quality, abnormal capza1apc55/+; capza1bpc56/pc56 (TU) standard conditions Fig 4 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome skeletal muscle myofibril decreased amount, abnormal capza1apc55/+; capza1bpc56/pc56 (TU) standard conditions Fig 4 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome striated muscle thin filament mislocalised, abnormal capza1apc55/+; capza1bpc56/pc56; pc21Tg; pc22Tg standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome sarcomere EGFP expression mislocalised, abnormal capza1apc55/+; capza1bpc56/pc56; pc21Tg; pc22Tg standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome sarcomere EGFP expression spatial pattern, abnormal capza1apc55/+; capza1bpc56/pc56; pc21Tg; pc22Tg standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome peripheral region has extra parts of type myotome protein-containing complex, abnormal capza1apc55/+; capza1bpc56/pc56; pc21Tg; pc22Tg standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome skeletal muscle myofibril decreased amount, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55; capza1bpc56/+ (TU) standard conditions Fig 4 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome myofibril assembly decreased process quality, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55; capza1bpc56/+ (TU) standard conditions Fig 4 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome peripheral region has extra parts of type myotome protein-containing complex, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55; capza1bpc56/pc56 (TU) standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022
whole organism dead, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55; capza1bpc56/pc56 (TU) standard conditions Fig 4 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome striated muscle thin filament mislocalised, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55; capza1bpc56/pc56 (TU) standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome sarcomere EGFP expression mislocalised, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55; capza1bpc56/pc56; pc21Tg; pc22Tg standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome striated muscle thin filament mislocalised, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55; capza1bpc56/pc56; pc21Tg; pc22Tg standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome sarcomere EGFP expression spatial pattern, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55; capza1bpc56/pc56; pc21Tg; pc22Tg standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022
myotome peripheral region has extra parts of type myotome protein-containing complex, abnormal capza1apc55/pc55; capza1bpc56/pc56; pc21Tg; pc22Tg standard conditions Fig 6 with image from Berger et al., 2022