
Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
Target Location
No data available
Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
ihb404 foxo3b
Gene expression in Wild Types + CRISPR1-foxo3b
No data available
Phenotype resulting from CRISPR1-foxo3b
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing CRISPR1-foxo3b
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
whole organism mxc expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 viral treatment by exposure to environment: Sprivivirus cyprinus Fig. 10 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism vhl expression decreased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 hypoxia Fig. 8 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism decreased life span, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 hypoxia Fig. 11 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism vhl expression decreased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 standard conditions Fig. 8 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism serpine1 expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 hypoxia Fig. 9 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism il11a expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism ifnphi1 expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 viral treatment by exposure to environment: Sprivivirus cyprinus Fig. 10 from Liu et al., 2016
defense response to virus increased process quality, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 viral treatment by exposure to environment: Sprivivirus cyprinus Fig. 11 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism pkz expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 viral treatment by exposure to environment: Sprivivirus cyprinus Fig. 10 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism pou5f3 expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism defbl1 expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 chemical treatment by diet: exopolysaccharide, high fat Fig. 7 with image from Zhang et al., 2019
whole organism tnfb expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 viral treatment by exposure to environment: Sprivivirus cyprinus Fig. 10 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism serpine1 expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism hamp expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 chemical treatment by diet: exopolysaccharide, high fat Fig. 7 with image from Zhang et al., 2019
whole organism il11a expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 hypoxia Fig. 9 from Liu et al., 2016
response to hypoxia disrupted, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 hypoxia Fig. 11 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism pou5f3 expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 hypoxia Fig. 9 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism vegfaa expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism life span, ameliorated foxo3bihb404/ihb404 viral treatment by exposure to environment: Sprivivirus cyprinus Fig. 11 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism defbl2 expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 chemical treatment by diet: exopolysaccharide, high fat Fig. 7 with image from Zhang et al., 2019
whole organism vegfaa expression increased amount, abnormal foxo3bihb404/ihb404 hypoxia Fig. 9 from Liu et al., 2016
motor neuron axon decreased length, abnormal magohoz37/oz37; foxo3bihb404/+ standard conditions Fig 8 with image from Gangras et al., 2020
motor neuron axon decreased length, ameliorated magohoz37/oz37; foxo3bihb404/ihb404 standard conditions Fig 8 with image from Gangras et al., 2020