Fig. S9

Ellett et al., 2018 - Macrophages protect Talaromyces marneffei conidia from myeloperoxidase-dependent neutrophil fungicidal activity during infection establishment in vivo
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Fig. S9

    Quantification of nitroreductase-mediated leukocyte ablation.

  1. (A) Graph shows quantification of leukocyte units (LUs) for macrophages (NTR-mCherry, red bars) and neutrophils (GFP, green bars) in compound Tg(mpeg:Gal4/UAS:nfsB-mCherry/mpx:EGFP) transgenic zebrafish embryos treated with DMSO or Metronidazole. A significant reduction in NTR-expressing macrophages, but not neutrophils was observed in Metronidazole-treated embryos compared to DMSO-treated controls. Data are mean±SEM, n≥5 embryos/group/experiment, n≥3 experiments. Statistics: two-tailed t-test.
  2. (B) Counts of mCherry-positive cells in the tail region of Tg(mpx:KalTA4/UAS:nfsB-mCherry) transgenic embryos following treatment with DMSO or Metronidazole. A significant reduction in the number of mCherry-positive cells was observed. Data are mean±SD, n = 15 embryos/group pooled from N = 2 experiments. Statistics: two-tailed t-test.
  3. (C) Additional evidence for successful neutrophil ablation by Sudan Black B staining of embryos following DMSO (i) or Metronidazole (ii) treatment. Counts of Sudan Black positive cells in the tail region (iii) confirmed a significant reduction in Metronidazole-treated embryos. Data are mean±SD. N = 8 embryos from N = 1 experiment. Statistics: two-tailed t-test.

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