Fig. S7

Rosowski et al., 2018 - Macrophages inhibit Aspergillus fumigatus germination and neutrophil-mediated fungal killing
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Fig. S7

Macrophage depletion leads to more germination and clearance of a CEA10-derived strain.

A. Macrophage-depleted (clodronate liposomes) or control (uninjected i.v.) larvae were infected with GFP-expressing TFYL49.1 (CEA10) and imaged 1 dpi. Z-projection (mcherry, GFP) or single slice (BF) images shown are representative of 9/9 larvae from each condition from one experiment. Scale bar represents 100 μm or 25 μm (inset). B. Wild-type or myd88-/- embryos were injected with control (std) or macrophage-depleting (irf8) morpholinos. Larvae were then infected with TFYL49.1 (CEA10) spores and CFUs were measured. Data are from one experiment, each symbol represents one larva. These data are also included in the pooled data from three replicates shown in Fig 7E.

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