Fig. S4

Yoo et al., 2010 - Differential Regulation of Protrusion and Polarity by PI(3)K during Neutrophil Motility in Live Zebrafish
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Fig. S4

Photoactivation of PA-Rac (related to Figure 4)

(A) Laser stimulation with 458nm light does not have any obvious effects on morphology or migration of neutrophils expressing only mCherry in Tg(MPO:mCherry)uw. The circles indicate positions of laser stimulation.

(B) (C) Photoactivation of PA-Rac disturbs attraction of a neutrophil to a wound in the fin of Tg(MPO:mCherry-PA-Rac1)uw. The green and blue lines are tracking of the neutrophil before and after photoactivation. The circles indicate positions of laser stimulation.

(D) Photoactivation of PA-Rac enables guiding of a neutrophil between a wound and the blood vessel, indicating localized Rac activation can overcome endogenous chemotaxis signaling. The trajectory of the neutrophil draws an “apple”.

(E) Photoactivation of PA-Rac is sufficient to induce directed migration of relatively immotile neutrophils in the CHT. Laser stimulation with 458nm light induces migration of a neutrophil with mCherry-PA-Rac (left), but not with mCherry (right). Repetitive photoactivation was performed 10 minutes after starting the imaging (the circles indicate position of photoactivation). To make the kymograph, Z-stack images were summed into a single two-dimensional image, and then consolidated into a semi-one-dimensional line. Scale bars, 10 μm (A, C, E), 50 μm (B), 20 μm (D).

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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 18(2), Yoo, S.K., Deng, Q., Cavnar, P.J., Wu, Y.I., Hahn, K.M., and Huttenlocher, A., Differential Regulation of Protrusion and Polarity by PI(3)K during Neutrophil Motility in Live Zebrafish, 226-236, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell