- Title
A Novel Long Non-coding RNA, durga Modulates Dendrite Density and Expression of kalirin in Zebrafish.
- Authors
- Sarangdhar, M.A., Chaubey, D., Bhatt, A., Km, M., Kumar, M., Ranjan, S., Pillai, B.
- Source
- Full text @ Front. Mol. Neurosci.
Developmental expression profile of durga and kalrna in zebrafish. (A) Expression of durga and kalrna was checked by semi-quantitative PCR (A,D respectively), qPCR (B,E respectively) and in situ hybridization (C,F respectively) during 1cell, High, Shield, 2Somites, 30Somites stages. Data shown represent more than three independent experiments. p-values were calculated using Student’s t-test. **p ≤ 0.01, *p ≤ 0.05. EXPRESSION / LABELING:
Over-expression of durga enhances kalrna expression. In vitro transcribed durga was injected in one cell stage of zebrafish embryo and over-expression was confirmed by qPCR (A) and in situ hybridization (B) at 2Somites and 30Somites stages. Increase in kalrna expression was seen in qPCR (C) and in situ hybridization (D) at 2Somites and 30Somites stages. Data represent three independent experiments. p-value was calculated using Student’s t-test. *p ≤ 0.05. OE denotes overexpression. N is number of biological replicates. |
Over-expression of durga in zebrafish embryos alters dendritic morphology in primary culture of neurons. Over-expression of durga and kalrna was confirmed by qPCR in primary culture of neurons (A). Confocal image of durga over-expressed neuron showed reduced average dendrite number (B,C) and dendrite length (B,D). Data shown represent minimum three independent experiments. p-values were calculated using Student’s t-test. *p < 0.05. OE denotes overexpression. |
In situ hybridization of kalrna and durga in the zebrafish egg. In situ hybridization shows kalrna and durga transcript expression in zebrafish egg. |